For the newbies, the every Sunday KFB Only God Could Have Done This series, is an inspirational column that lets readers send in their testimonies of how God has been faithful to restore and rekindle hope in others.
You can keep up with the other volumes you have missed (HERE) and also send in your testimonies via kemisolafilani@gmail.com.
Lord, my life is in Your hand as it has always been.
Thank God for Jesus. HE did not only save me spiritually, HE saved me physically. My faith was challenged and strengthened during the February 2016 Holy Ghost service. I told God HE is the same , distance and color of skin do not matter.
The Word of God says we overcome the enemies by the power in the Blood of the Lord Jesus Christ and by the testimonies . Truly, the move of God in the lives of people made me decide that I would do away with MY inhaler.. Since that February,
I stopped everything about human way of dealing with the ailment. I hung my faith on Christ. In March of same year, I went to my doctor for test. I was placed on ex-ray and the likes. To God be the glory. The ex-ray confined that the asthma of 19 years had gone.
I am delivered and loosed from the grip of a long life agony. Praise the Lord